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Duct sanitization with duct cleaning

Get a duct sanitization done with a duct cleaning service

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$27 Inspection

Limited time offer: $27 HVAC inspection

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$27 Plumbing Inspection

Limited time offer: $27 plumbing inspections.

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$27 Electrical Inspection

Limited time offer: $27 Electrical Inspections.

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Insane Rebates for 2024

NOW Heating and Air is proud to offer a range of deals for a variety of your HVAC needs. Check out our current offers and get the best deal in town. If you need some help, call us and let our friendly customer service agents help you find the right promotion for your requirements. We’re excited to help you get the HVAC appliances you need at a price that your family budget can afford.

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Xcel Energy Offering up to $9000 back?!

With qualifying heat pumps, right now you can get up to $7,200 back for a high-efficiency heat pump and up to $9000 back for a cold climate heat pump. These deals only last while the funding is still available.
Below, you’ll see a full breakdown:

  • Air Source Heat Pumps: $7,200 Rebate for High Efficiency and $9,000 Rebate for Cold Climate
  • Ground Source Heat Pumps: $1,800 per ton rebate up to $9,000
  • Mini-Split Heat Pump: Up to $5,400 rebate with cold climate heat pump.

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Denver’s Most Trusted HVAC Contractor for Homeowners and Businesses

Now Heating & Air
8661 Rosemary St
Commerce City, CO 80022

Phone 303-287-8000